Discover your Spiritual Gifts

“What I want to talk about now is the various ways God’s Spirit gets worked into our lives. This is complex and often misunderstood, but I want you to be informed and knowledgeable. Remember how you were when you didn’t know God, led from one phony god to another, never knowing what you were doing, just doing it because everybody else did it? It’s different in this life. God wants us to use our intelligence, to seek to understand as well as we can.”
1 Corinthians 12:1-2


There are a few guidelines to follow when taking the Spiritual Gifts Discovery Assessment. This assessment will take 5-9 minutes to complete.
  • Be honest – Do not censor your answers. Your first reply is your most accurate.
  • Pick your environment – Compartmentalizing life is a typical tendency. Meaning, you may act one way at work, one way at home, and one way at church. For consistency, mentally choose the environment to answer from that you spend the majority of your time.

You will be asked 72 short questions. Each question will have five possible answers:

  • Never – This is never true for me or this never applies to me.
  • Rarely – This is rarely true for me or this rarely applies to me.
  • Sometimes – This is sometimes true for me or this sometimes applies to me.
  • Often – This is often true for me or this often applies to me.
  • Always – This is always true for me or this always applies to me.

Begin Your Assessment

Open Assessment