Find Community.
Our hope is that every person at Mill City joins a City Group because we need each other. In City Groups, we make friends and build meaningful relationships while strengthening our relationship with God, and in doing so, become more like Jesus. There is a group for everyone.
Interested in leading a group?
Interested in leading a group?
We all lead others at some point in our lives, so leadership development is for every follower of Jesus. Leading a City Group is a great way to grow and to make a difference in the spiritual journey of others. You don’t have to have it all together to lead and we will support you every step of the way.
After participating in a group for at least one semester, start your leadership journey by attending Mill City Connect and our City Group Leader Orientation (CGLO).
Church of Groups
God didn't create us to live alone. We call our groups City Groups because they bring people together from all over Northern Colorado. When we live in life-giving, authentic community with others we receive support, encouragement, and challenge so we grow, become more like Jesus, and experience full life. We are a church OF groups, not a church WITH groups.

Church of Groups
God didn't create us to live alone. We call our groups City Groups because they bring people together from all over Northern Colorado. When we live in life-giving, authentic community with others we receive support, encouragement, and challenge so we grow, become more like Jesus, and experience full life. We are a church OF groups, not a church WITH groups.

A City Group is a handful of people who intentionally and regularly gather around a shared interest for the purpose of growing spiritually and relationally. Groups can be centered around an activity like basketball or basket weaving, packing a meal for the homeless or unpacking the Sunday message, gaining insight as a parent or insightfully navigating the world of dating, or just about anything you could think of. The topic is valuable, but don’t underestimate the relationships that develop in the process.
When & where?
When & where?
Groups meet throughout the year and you can join at any time. New Groups start each semester (fall, spring, and summer). Groups meet in a variety of places like homes, parks, restaurants, coffee shops, and office buildings throughout Northern Colorado.
How do I join?
How do I join?
Click below to access our easy-to-use online directory. Find Groups that interest you, contact the Group leaders directly for more details (location, childcare, format, length, etc.), and jump in!