We are recipients of the most generous gift the world has ever known — the extravagant love of God, expressed in Jesus. When we receive this gift, we cannot help but respond in kind.
Ways to Give

Easily donate your non-cash items. For everything else (real estate, crypto, vehicles, etc.), please contact us.

Cash or Check
Give during a Sunday gathering or by mail to:
Mill City Church
P.O. Box 1753
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Amazon Smile
You can support Mill City Church every time you make a purchase through Amazon.
Frequently Asked Questions
Not to you. You will not pay any fees with an online gift. In addition, online gifts are a more cost efficient way for the church to process donations.
Yes. You have the option of either making a one-time gift or setting up a recurring gift. For a one-time gift, you can designate if the gift should be made immediately or you can schedule the gift to come out of your bank account on the date(s) specified by you. Likewise, reoccurring gifts can be scheduled on the dates that work best for you.
Yes. You can change or cancel your contribution at any time before the date of your next contribution. Simply log in using your user name and password to make the necessary changes.
Yes. You are able view the complete history of your contributions through CONNECT. If you have a CONNECT account, your history will be there. If you give by check, you will need to create an online account in CONNECT and then we will manually provide you with your previous giving information.
Mill City Church will send year-end contribution statements via e-mail or if we do not have your e-mail, we will send it to your address on file.